Source code for biopsykit.sleep.sleep_wake_detection.algorithms.sadeh

"""Sleep/Wake detection using the *Sadeh Algorithm*."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from biopsykit.sleep.sleep_wake_detection.algorithms._base import _SleepWakeBase
from biopsykit.sleep.sleep_wake_detection.utils import rescore
from biopsykit.utils._types import arr_t
from biopsykit.utils.array_handling import sanitize_input_1d, sliding_window
from biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper import SleepWakeDataFrame, _SleepWakeDataFrame

[docs]class Sadeh(_SleepWakeBase): """Class representing the *Sadeh Algorithm* for sleep/wake detection based on activity counts.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=useless-super-delegation """Class representing the *Sadeh Algorithm* for sleep/wake detection based on activity counts. The *Sadeh Algorithm* runs sleep wake detection on epoch level activity data. Epochs are 1 minute long and activity is represented by an activity index which comes from Actigraph data or from raw acceleration data converted into activity index data. References ---------- add reference """ super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def fit(self, data: arr_t, **kwargs): # noqa: ARG002 """Fit sleep/wake detection algorithm to input data. .. note:: Algorithms that do not have to (re)fit a ML model before sleep/wake prediction, such as rule-based algorithms, will internally bypass this method as the ``fit`` step is not needed. Parameters ---------- data : array_like input data """ return
[docs] def predict(self, data: arr_t, **kwargs) -> SleepWakeDataFrame: """Apply sleep/wake prediction algorithm on input data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like array with activity index values **kwargs : additional arguments to be passed to the algorithm for prediction, such as: * ``rescore_data`` (``bool``): ``True`` to apply Webster's rescoring rules to the sleep/wake predictions, ``False`` otherwise. Default: ``True`` * ``epoch_length`` (``int``): activity data epoch lengths in seconds, i.e. Epoch lengths are usually 30 or 60 seconds. Default: 60 Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SleepWakeDataFrame` dataframe with sleep/wake predictions """ index = None rescore_data: bool = kwargs.get("rescore_data", True) epoch_length: bool = kwargs.get("epoch_length", 60) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): index = data.index data = sanitize_input_1d(data) window_past = 6 window_mean = 11 window_center = 11 mean = sliding_window(data, window_samples=window_mean, overlap_samples=window_mean - 1).mean(1) nat = sliding_window(data, window_samples=window_center, overlap_samples=window_center - 1) nat = np.sum(np.logical_and(nat < 100, nat > 50), axis=1) std = sliding_window(data, window_samples=window_past, overlap_samples=window_past - 1).std(1)[:-5] loc_act = np.log(data + 1)[5:-5] score = 7.601 - 0.065 * mean - 0.056 * std - 0.703 * loc_act - 1.08 * nat score[score >= 0] = 1 # sleep = 1 score[score < 0] = 0 # wake = 0 score = np.pad(np.asarray(score), (5), "constant") if rescore_data: score = rescore(score, epoch_length=epoch_length) if index is not None: score = pd.DataFrame(score, index=index, columns=["sleep_wake"]) return _SleepWakeDataFrame(score)