Source code for biopsykit.signals.imu.wear_detection

"""Module for detection non-wear times from raw acceleration signals."""
import datetime
from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from biopsykit.utils._datatype_validation_helper import _assert_has_columns
from biopsykit.utils._types import arr_t
from biopsykit.utils.array_handling import sliding_window

[docs]class WearDetection: """Detect non-wear times from raw acceleration signals. Non-wear times are estimated over 15 minute intervals over the day. The non-wear detection was implemented according to [1] and modified according to [2]. References ---------- [1] Van Hees, V. T., Renström, F., Wright, A., Gradmark, A., Catt, M., Chen, K. Y., Löf, M., Bluck, L., Pomeroy, J., Wareham, N. J., Ekelund, U., Brage, S., & Franks, P. W. (2011). Estimation of Daily Energy Expenditure in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women Using a Wrist-Worn Tri-Axial Accelerometer. PLoS ONE, 6(7), e22922. [2] van Hees, V. T., Gorzelniak, L., Taherian, S., & Ekelund, U. (2013). Separating Movement and Gravity Components in an Acceleration Signal and Implications for the Assessment of Human Daily Physical Activity. PLOS ONE, 8(4), 10. """ sampling_rate: float def __init__(self, sampling_rate: float): """Initialize a new ``WearDetection`` instance. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data in Hz """ self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
[docs] def predict(self, data: arr_t) -> pd.DataFrame: """Predict non-wear times from acceleration data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like input acceleration data. Must be 3-d. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with wear (1) and non-wear (0) times per 15 minute interval """ index = None index_resample = None if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): index = data.index data = data.filter(like="acc") if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else pd.DataFrame(data) window = 60 # min overlap = 15 # min overlap_percent = 1.0 - (overlap / window) acc_sliding = { col: sliding_window( data[col].values, window_sec=window * 60, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, overlap_percent=overlap_percent, ) for col in data } if index is not None: index_resample = self._resample_index(index, window, overlap_percent) acc_std = pd.DataFrame({axis: np.nanstd(acc_sliding[axis], ddof=1, axis=1) for axis in acc_sliding}) acc_std[acc_std >= 0.013] = 1 acc_std[acc_std < 0.013] = 0 acc_std = np.nansum(acc_std, axis=1) acc_range = pd.DataFrame( {axis: np.nanmax(acc_sliding[axis], axis=1) - np.nanmin(acc_sliding[axis], axis=1) for axis in acc_sliding} ) acc_range[acc_range >= 0.15] = 1 acc_range[acc_range < 0.15] = 0 acc_range = np.nansum(acc_range, axis=1) wear = np.ones(shape=acc_std.shape) wear[np.logical_or(acc_std < 1.0, acc_range < 1.0)] = 0.0 wear = pd.DataFrame(wear, columns=["wear"]) if index_resample is not None: wear = wear.join(index_resample) # apply rescoring three times wear = self._rescore_wear_detection(wear) wear = self._rescore_wear_detection(wear) wear = self._rescore_wear_detection(wear) return wear
def _resample_index(self, index: pd.Index, window: int, overlap_percent: float): index_resample = sliding_window( np.arange(0, len(index)), window_sec=window * 60, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, overlap_percent=overlap_percent, )[:, :] start_end = index_resample[:, [0, -1]] if np.isnan(start_end[-1, -1]): last_idx = index_resample[-1, np.where(~np.isnan(index_resample[-1, :]))[0][-1]] start_end[-1, -1] = last_idx start_end = start_end.astype(int) if isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex): index_resample = pd.DataFrame(index.to_numpy()[start_end], columns=["start", "end"]) return index_resample @staticmethod def _rescore_wear_detection(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # group classifications into wear and non-wear blocks data["block"] = data["wear"].diff().ne(0).cumsum() blocks = list(data.groupby("block")) # iterate through blocks for (_, prev), (idx_curr, curr), (_, post) in zip(blocks[0:-2], blocks[1:-1], blocks[2:]): if curr["wear"].unique(): # get hour lengths of the previous, current, and next blocks dur_prev, dur_curr, dur_post = (len(dur) * 0.25 for dur in [prev, curr, post]) if (dur_curr < 3 and dur_curr / (dur_prev + dur_post) < 0.8) or ( dur_curr < 6 and dur_curr / (dur_prev + dur_post) < 0.3 ): # a) if the current block is less than 3 hours and the ratio to previous and post blocks is # less than 80% rescore the wear period as non-wear # b) if the current block is less than 6 hours and the ratio to previous and post blocks is # less than 30% rescore the wear period as non-wear data.loc[data["block"] == idx_curr, "wear"] = 0 data = data.drop(columns=["block"]) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_major_wear_block(data: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[Union[datetime.datetime, int], Union[datetime.datetime, int]]: """Return major wear block. The major wear block is the longest continuous wear block in the data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` data with wear detection applied. The dataframe is expected to have a "wear" column. Returns ------- start : :class:`~datetime.datetime` or int start of major wear block as datetime or int index end : :class:`~datetime.datetime` or int end of major wear block as datetime or int index See Also -------- :meth:`~biopsykit.signals.imu.wear_detection.WearDetection.predict` apply wear detection on accelerometer data """ data = data.copy() _assert_has_columns(data, [["wear"]]) data["block"] = data["wear"].diff().ne(0).cumsum() wear_blocks = list(data.groupby("block").filter(lambda x: (x["wear"] == 1.0).all()).groupby("block")) max_block = wear_blocks[np.argmax([len(b) for i, b in wear_blocks])][1] max_block = (max_block["start"].iloc[0], max_block["end"].iloc[-1]) return max_block
[docs] @staticmethod def cut_to_wear_block( data: pd.DataFrame, wear_block: Tuple[Union[datetime.datetime, int], Union[datetime.datetime, int]] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Cut data to wear block. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` input data that contains wear block wear_block : tuple tuple with start and end times of wear block. The type of ``wear_block`` depends on the index of ``data``. (datetime or int) Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` data cut to wear block """ if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): return data.loc[wear_block[0] : wear_block[-1]] return data.iloc[wear_block[0] : wear_block[-1]]