Source code for biopsykit.signals.imu.rest_periods

"""Module for computing Rest Periods from raw acceleration signals."""
import datetime
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from biopsykit.utils._datatype_validation_helper import _assert_num_columns
from biopsykit.utils._types import arr_t
from biopsykit.utils.array_handling import sliding_window

[docs]class RestPeriods: """Compute Rest Periods from raw acceleration signals. Rest periods are periods with large inactivity, characterized by low angle changes in the acceleration signal. The longest rest period, the *Major Rest Period*, is used to determine the sleep window (i.e., time in bed) of the day. References ---------- van Hees, V. T., Sabia, S., Anderson, K. N., Denton, S. J., Oliver, J., Catt, M., Abell, J. G., Kivimäki, M., Trenell, M. I., & Singh-Manoux, A. (2015). A Novel, Open Access Method to Assess Sleep Duration Using a Wrist-Worn Accelerometer. *PLoS ONE*, 10(11), 1-13. """ sampling_rate: float def __init__(self, sampling_rate: float): """Initialize a new ``RestPeriods`` instance. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data in Hz """ self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
[docs] def predict(self, data: arr_t) -> pd.DataFrame: """Predict Rest Periods from acceleration data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like input acceleration data. Must be 3-d. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with start, end, and total duration of each rest period detected by the algorithm """ data = data.filter(like="acc") if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else pd.DataFrame(data) _assert_num_columns(data, 3) # rolling median 5 second data = data.rolling(int(5 * self.sampling_rate), min_periods=0).median() # get angle angle = np.arctan(data["acc_z"] / ((data["acc_x"] ** 2 + data["acc_y"] ** 2) ** 0.5)) * (180.0 / np.pi) window_s = 5 # 5 seconds overlap = 0 angle_sliding = sliding_window( angle, window_sec=window_s, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, overlap_percent=overlap ) index_resample = self._resample_index(data, window_s, overlap) df_angle = pd.DataFrame( np.abs(np.diff(np.nanmean(angle_sliding, axis=1))), columns=["angle"], index=index_resample[1:] ) df_angle = df_angle.rolling(60).median() # rolling median, 60 * 5 seconds per sample = 5 minutes minimum_rest_threshold = 0.0 maximum_rest_threshold = 1000.0 # calculate and apply threshold thresh = np.min( [ np.max([np.percentile(df_angle["angle"].dropna().values, 10) * 15.0, minimum_rest_threshold]), maximum_rest_threshold, ] ) df_angle[df_angle < thresh] = 0.0 df_angle[df_angle >= thresh] = 1.0 minimum_rest_block = 30 allowed_rest_break = 60 # drop rest blocks < minimum_rest_block minutes (except first and last) df_angle["block"] = (df_angle["angle"].diff().ne(0)).cumsum() groups = list(df_angle.groupby(by="block")) # exclude first and last rest block for _, group in groups[1:-1]: if group["angle"].sum() == 0 and len(group) < (12 * minimum_rest_block): # 5 second intervals => 12x for 1min df_angle.loc[group.index[0] : group.index[-1], "angle"] = 1 # drop active blocks < allowed_rest_break minutes (except first and last) df_angle["block"] = (df_angle["angle"].diff().ne(0)).cumsum() groups = list(df_angle.groupby(by="block")) for _, group in groups[1:-1]: if group["angle"].sum() == len(group) and len(group) < (12 * allowed_rest_break): # 5 second intervals => 12x for 1min df_angle.loc[group.index[0] : group.index[-1], "angle"] = 0 # get longest block df_angle["block"] = (df_angle["angle"].diff().ne(0)).cumsum() group = df_angle[df_angle.angle == 0].groupby("block") grp_max = group.get_group(group.size().idxmax()) total_duration = data.index[-1] - data.index[0] return self._major_rest_period(data, total_duration, grp_max)
def _resample_index(self, data: pd.DataFrame, window_s: int, overlap: float): index_resample = sliding_window( data.index.values, window_sec=window_s, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, overlap_percent=overlap )[:, 0] if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): index_resample = pd.DatetimeIndex(index_resample) index_resample = index_resample.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(data.index.tzinfo) return index_resample def _major_rest_period( self, data: pd.DataFrame, total_duration: Union[datetime.timedelta, float], grp_max: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): total_duration = total_duration.total_seconds() / 3600.0 start = grp_max.index[0] end = grp_max.index[-1] else: total_duration = (total_duration / self.sampling_rate) / 3600.0 start = int(grp_max.index[0] / (self.sampling_rate * 60)) end = int(grp_max.index[-1] / (self.sampling_rate * 60)) mrp = {"start": start, "end": end, "total_duration": total_duration} return pd.DataFrame(mrp, index=[0])