Source code for

"""I/O functions for files related to ECG processing."""
import re
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import pandas as pd
from biopsykit.utils._datatype_validation_helper import _assert_file_extension, _assert_is_dir
from biopsykit.utils._types import path_t
from biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper import HeartRatePhaseDict, HeartRateSubjectDataDict, is_hr_phase_dict
from biopsykit.utils.file_handling import get_subject_dirs, is_excel_file
from biopsykit.utils.time import tz

__all__ = [

[docs]def load_hr_phase_dict(file_path: path_t, assert_format: Optional[bool] = True) -> HeartRatePhaseDict: """Load Excel file containing time series heart rate data of one subject. The returned dictionary will be a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict`, i.e., a dict with heart rate data from one subject split into phases (as exported by :func:`write_hr_phase_dict` or :func:`write_hr_phase_dict_csv`). Parameters ---------- file_path : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str path to file assert_format : bool, optional whether to check if the imported dict is in the right format or not Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` Dict with heart rate data split into phases Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.ValidationError` if file in ``file_path`` is not a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` (if ``assert_format`` is ``True``) :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.FileExtensionError` if file is no Excel file (`.xls` or `.xlsx`) See Also -------- ~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict : Dictionary format write_hr_phase_dict : Write :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` to file """ # ensure pathlib file_path = Path(file_path) _assert_file_extension(file_path, (".xls", ".xlsx")) # assure that the file is an Excel file is_excel_file(file_path) dict_hr: HeartRatePhaseDict = pd.read_excel(file_path, index_col="time", sheet_name=None) if assert_format: # assert that the dictionary is in the correct format is_hr_phase_dict(dict_hr) # (re-)localize each sheet since Excel does not support timezone-aware dates dict_hr = {k: v.tz_localize(tz) for k, v in dict_hr.items()} return dict_hr
[docs]def load_hr_phase_dict_folder( base_path: path_t, filename_pattern: str, subfolder_pattern: Optional[str] = None ) -> HeartRateSubjectDataDict: r"""Load a folder with multiple ``HeartRatePhaseDict`` and concatenate them into a ``HeartRateSubjectDataDict``. This functions looks for all files that match the ``file_pattern`` in the folder specified by ``base_path`` and loads the files that are all expected to be :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict`. Subject IDs are extracted from the file name. Hence, ``file_pattern`` needs to be a regex including a capture group, e.g. "ecg_results_(\\w+).xlsx". Alternatively, if the files are stored in subfolders, the name pattern of these subfolders can be specified by ``subject_folder_pattern``. Then, it is expected that the subfolder names correspond to the subject IDs. The returned dictionary will be a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict` with the following format: { ``subject_id`` : :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` } Parameters ---------- base_path : :class: `~pathlib.Path` or str path to top-level folder containing all subject folders filename_pattern : str filename pattern of exported :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict`. Must be a regex string with capture group to extract subject IDs, or a regular regex string (without capture group) if ``subfolder_pattern`` is specified subfolder_pattern : str, optional subfolder name pattern if files are stored in subfolders. Then, ``filename_pattern`` does **not** need to be a regex with a capture group because it is assumed that the names of the subfolders correspond to the subject IDs. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict` :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict`, i.e., a dictionary with :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` of multiple subjects Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.ValidationError` if any file that matches ``filename_pattern`` is not a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` :exc:`FileNotFoundError` if no files match ``filename_pattern`` or no subfolders match ``subfolder_pattern`` See Also -------- ~biopsykit.utils.file_handling.get_subject_dirs : Filter for subject subfolders in a given folder load_hr_phase_dict : Load :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` for one subject Examples -------- >>> from import load_hr_phase_dict_folder >>> base_path = "./ecg_results/" >>> # Option 1: all files are stored in `base_path`, subject IDs are extracted from the file names >>> dict_hr_subjects = load_hr_phase_dict_folder( >>> base_path, >>> filename_pattern=r"ecg_result_(\\w+).xlsx") >>> print(dict_hr_subjects) { 'Vp01': {}, # one single HeartRatePhaseDict 'Vp02': {}, # ... } >>> # Option 2: files are stored in subfolders, the name of the subfolders is the corresponding subject ID >>> dict_hr_subjects = load_hr_phase_dict_folder( >>> base_path, >>> filename_pattern=r"ecg_result*.xlsx", >>> subfolder_pattern="Vp*") >>> print(dict_hr_subjects) { 'Vp01': {}, # one single HeartRatePhaseDict 'Vp02': {}, # ... } """ # ensure pathlib base_path = Path(base_path) dict_hr_subjects = {} if subfolder_pattern is None: file_list = sorted(base_path.glob("*")) file_list = [f for f in file_list if,] if len(file_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No files matching the pattern '{filename_pattern}' found in {base_path}.") for file in file_list: subject_id = re.findall(filename_pattern,[0] dict_hr_subjects[subject_id] = load_hr_phase_dict(file) else: subject_dirs = get_subject_dirs(base_path, subfolder_pattern) for subject_dir in subject_dirs: subject_id = hr_phase_dict = _load_hr_phase_dict_single_subject(subject_dir, filename_pattern) if hr_phase_dict is None: continue dict_hr_subjects[subject_id] = hr_phase_dict return dict_hr_subjects
def _load_hr_phase_dict_single_subject(subject_dir: Path, filename_pattern: str) -> Optional[HeartRatePhaseDict]: subject_id = # first try to search for files with glob (assuming that a regex string without capture group was passed), # then try to search via regex search (assuming that a regex string with capture group was passed, # which should actually not be done if subfolder_pattern is passed) file_list = sorted(subject_dir.glob(filename_pattern)) if len(file_list) == 0: file_list = sorted(subject_dir.glob("*")) # then extract the ones that match file_list = [f for f in file_list if,] if len(file_list) == 1: return load_hr_phase_dict(file_list[0]) if len(file_list) > 1: warnings.warn( 'More than one file matching file pattern "{}" found in folder {}. ' "Trying to merge these files into one HeartRatePhaseDict".format(filename_pattern, subject_dir) ) dict_hr = {} for file in file_list: dict_hr.update(load_hr_phase_dict(file)) return dict_hr print(f"No Heart Rate data for subject {subject_id}") return None
[docs]def write_hr_phase_dict(hr_phase_dict: HeartRatePhaseDict, file_path: path_t): """Write :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` to an Excel file. The :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` is a dictionary with heart rate time series data split into phases. Each of the phases in the dictionary will be a separate sheet in the Excel file. Parameters ---------- hr_phase_dict : :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` containing pandas dataframes with heart rate data file_path : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str path to export file See Also -------- ~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict : Dictionary format load_hr_phase_dict : Load :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` written to file : Write dictionary with pandas dataframes to Excel file """ from import write_pandas_dict_excel # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel # assert that file path is an Excel file is_excel_file(file_path) # assert that dict is in the right format is_hr_phase_dict(hr_phase_dict) write_pandas_dict_excel(hr_phase_dict, file_path)
[docs]def write_hr_phase_dict_csv(hr_phase_dict: HeartRatePhaseDict, folder_path: path_t, file_pattern: path_t): """Write :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` to a series of csv files. The :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` is a dictionary with heart rate time series data split into phases. Each of the phases in the dictionary will be a separate csv file. Parameters ---------- hr_phase_dict : :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` containing pandas dataframes with heart rate data folder_path : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str folder path to export csv files file_pattern : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str file pattern to save. The file pattern must include a placeholder "{}" which will be filled with the name of the phase. Raises ------ ValueError if ``file_pattern`` does not include a placeholder "{}" that can be filled with the phase name :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``hr_phase_dict`` is not a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.FileExtensionError` if ``file_pattern`` is no csv file See Also -------- ~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict : Dictionary format load_hr_phase_dict_csv : Load :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` written to csv files """ # ensure pathlib folder_path = Path(folder_path) _assert_is_dir(folder_path) # check file pattern for sanity file_pattern = str(file_pattern) if "{}" not in file_pattern: raise ValueError( f"'file_pattern' must include a placeholder to be filled with the phase name!. Got {file_pattern}." ) is_hr_phase_dict(hr_phase_dict) for phase, data in hr_phase_dict.items(): file_name = Path(file_pattern.format(phase)) file_path = folder_path.joinpath(file_name) _assert_file_extension(file_path, ".csv") data.to_csv(file_path)
[docs]def load_hr_phase_dict_csv( folder_path: path_t, file_pattern: path_t, phase_order: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, assert_format: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> HeartRatePhaseDict: """Load csv file with time series HR data of one subject from folder and combine it into a ``HeartRatePhaseDict``. The returned dictionary will be a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict`, i.e., a dict with heart rate data from one subject split into phases (as exported by :func:`write_hr_phase_dict`). Parameters ---------- folder_path : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str folder path to export csv files file_pattern : :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str file pattern of the csv files. `file_pattern` must include a regex capture group (see Examples) which is used to extract the phase name from the file name. phase_order : list of str, optional list of phase names to order resulting :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` or ``None`` to order phases according to the file name ordering in ``folder_path``. Default: ``None`` assert_format : bool, optional whether to check if the imported dict is in the right format or not Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` Dict with heart rate data split into phases Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.ValidationError` if file in ``file_path`` is not a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` (if ``assert_format`` is ``True``) :exc:`~biopsykit.utils.exceptions.FileExtensionError` if file is no Excel file (`.xls` or `.xlsx`) See Also -------- ~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict : Dictionary format write_hr_phase_dict_csv : Write :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` to a series of csv files """ # ensure pathlib folder_path = Path(folder_path) _assert_is_dir(folder_path) file_list = sorted(folder_path.glob("*.csv")) if len(file_list) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No csv files found in {folder_path}!") dict_hr = {} for file in file_list: phase_name = re.findall(file_pattern, if len(phase_name) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No string matching the pattern {file_pattern} found in {file}!") if len(phase_name) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Too many strings matching the pattern {file_pattern} found in {file}!") phase_name = phase_name[0] df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col="time") df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, errors="ignore") dict_hr[phase_name] = df if assert_format: # assert that the dictionary is in the correct format is_hr_phase_dict(dict_hr) if phase_order is not None: _assert_phase_names(folder_path, phase_order, dict_hr.keys()) dict_hr = {phase: dict_hr[phase] for phase in phase_order} return dict_hr
def _assert_phase_names(folder_path, phase_order, dict_keys): if len(phase_order) != len(dict_keys): raise ValueError( f"Number of phases provided by 'phase_order' do not match. " f"Expected {len(dict_keys)}, got {len(phase_order)}." ) if set(phase_order) != set(dict_keys): raise ValueError( f"Phases provided by 'phase_order' do not match the phases of the files in {folder_path}. " f"Expected {phase_order}, got {list(dict_keys)}." )