Source code for biopsykit.example_data

"""Module providing functions to load different example data.

The data is either taken from the local file system in case biopsykit was installed manually or the example data is
downloaded into the local user folder.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

import pandas as pd
from import (
from import load_hr_phase_dict
from import MuseDataset
from import load_dataset_nilspod
from import load_saliva_plate, load_saliva_wide_format
from import (
from biopsykit.utils._types import path_t
from biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper import (
from biopsykit.utils.file_handling import mkdirs
from import tqdm

_EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH_LOCAL = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.joinpath("example_data")
_EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH_HOME = Path.home().joinpath(".biopsykit_data")

__all__ = [

# TODO add SHA256 check to assert whether remote example data was changed and should be re-downloaded.

def _is_installed_manually() -> bool:
    """Check whether biopsykit was installed manually and example data exists in the local path.

        ``True`` if biopsykit was installed manually, ``False`` otherwise

    return (_EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH_LOCAL / "").is_file()

def _get_data(file_name: str) -> path_t:  # pragma: no cover
    if _is_installed_manually():
        return _EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH_LOCAL.joinpath(file_name)
    path = _EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH_HOME.joinpath(file_name)
    if path.exists():
        return path
    return _fetch_from_remote(file_name, path)

def _fetch_from_remote(file_name: str, file_path: path_t) -> path_t:  # pragma: no cover
    """Download remote dataset (helper function).

    file_name : str
        file name
    file_path : str
        path to file

        path to downloaded file

    url = _REMOTE_DATA_PATH + file_name
    print(f"Downloading file {file_name} from remote URL: {url}.")
    with tqdm(unit="B", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, miniters=1, desc=file_name) as t:
        urlretrieve(url, filename=file_path, reporthook=_tqdm_hook(t))
    return file_path

def _tqdm_hook(t):  # pragma: no cover
    """Wrap tqdm instance."""
    last_b = [0]

    def update_to(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None):
        if tsize is not None:
   = tsize
        t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize)
        last_b[0] = b

    return update_to

[docs]def get_condition_list_example() -> SubjectConditionDataFrame: """Return example data for subject condition assignment. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SubjectConditionDataFrame` dataframe with example subject condition assignment """ return load_subject_condition_list( _get_data("condition_list.csv"), subject_col="subject", condition_col="condition" )
[docs]def get_saliva_example_plate_format( sample_id_col: Optional[str] = None, data_col: Optional[str] = None, id_col_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, regex_str: Optional[str] = None, sample_times: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, condition_list: Optional[Union[Sequence, Dict[str, Sequence], pd.Index]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Return example saliva data from "plate" format. Parameters ---------- sample_id_col: str, optional column name of the Excel sheet containing the sample ID. Default: "sample ID" data_col: str, optional column name of the Excel sheet containing saliva data to be analyzed. Default: Select default column name based on ``biomarker_type``, e.g. ``cortisol`` => ``cortisol (nmol/l)`` id_col_names: list of str, optional names of the extracted ID column names. ``None`` to use the default column names (['subject', 'day', 'sample']) regex_str: str, optional regular expression to extract subject ID, day ID and sample ID from the sample identifier. ``None`` to use default regex string (``r"(Vp\d+) (S\d)"``) sample_times: list of int, optional times at which saliva samples were collected condition_list: 1d-array, optional list of conditions which subjects were assigned to Returns ------- data : :class:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SalivaRawDataFrame` saliva data in `SalivaRawDataFrame` format See Also -------- :func:`` loader function for saliva data in plate format """ return load_saliva_plate( _get_data("cortisol_sample_plate.xlsx"), "cortisol", sample_id_col=sample_id_col, data_col=data_col, id_col_names=id_col_names, regex_str=regex_str, sample_times=sample_times, condition_list=condition_list, )
[docs]def get_saliva_example(sample_times: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> SalivaRawDataFrame: """Return saliva example data. Parameters ---------- sample_times : list of int, optional sample times of saliva samples in minutes Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SalivaRawDataFrame` dataframe with example raw saliva data """ return load_saliva_wide_format( _get_data("cortisol_sample.csv"), saliva_type="cortisol", condition_col="condition", sample_times=sample_times, )
[docs]def get_saliva_mean_se_example() -> Dict[str, SalivaMeanSeDataFrame]: """Return dictionary with mean and standard error from example data for different saliva types. Returns ------- dict dictionary with :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SalivaMeanSeDataFrame` from different saliva types """ data_dict = pd.read_excel(_get_data("saliva_sample_mean_se.xlsx"), sheet_name=None) for key in data_dict: data_dict[key] = _SalivaMeanSeDataFrame(data_dict[key].set_index(["condition", "sample", "time"])) is_saliva_mean_se_dataframe(data_dict[key]) return data_dict
[docs]def get_hr_subject_data_dict_example() -> HeartRateSubjectDataDict: """Return heart rate example data in the form of a :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict`. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict` dictionary with heart rate time-series data from multiple subjects, each containing data from different phases. """ study_data_dict_hr = {} subject_ids = ["Vp01", "Vp02"] for subject_id in subject_ids: file_path = _get_data(f"ecg_results/hr_result_{subject_id}.xlsx") study_data_dict_hr[subject_id] = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=None, index_col="time") return study_data_dict_hr
[docs]def get_hr_subject_data_dict_tuple_example() -> HeartRateSubjectDataDict: """Return HR example data as a ``HeartRateSubjectDataDict``, but with tuples as keys instead of strings. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRateSubjectDataDict` dictionary with heart rate time-series, each containing data from different phases. """ study_data_dict_hr = {} subject_ids = ["Vp01", "Vp02"] keys = [("Vp01", "Control"), ("Vp01", "Intervention")] for subject_id, key in zip(subject_ids, keys): file_path = _get_data(f"ecg_results/hr_result_{subject_id}.xlsx") study_data_dict_hr[key] = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=None, index_col="time") return study_data_dict_hr
[docs]def get_hr_result_sample() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return heart rate results example data. The heart rate results example data consists of the mean normalized heart rate for different subjects, different study phases, and study subphases. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with heart rate results example data """ return load_long_format_csv(_get_data("hr_result_sample.csv"))
[docs]def get_hr_ensemble_sample() -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Return heart rate ensemble example data. The example data consists of time-series heart rate of multiple subjects for different study phases, each synchronized and resampled to 1 Hz, and normalized to baseline heart rate. Returns ------- dict dictionary with pandas dataframes containing heart rate ensemble data """ return load_pandas_dict_excel(_get_data("hr_ensemble_sample_normalized.xlsx"))
[docs]def get_mist_hr_example() -> HeartRatePhaseDict: """Return heart rate time-series example data collected during MIST from one subject. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.HeartRatePhaseDict` dictionary with heart rate time-series data from one subject during multiple phases """ return load_hr_phase_dict(_get_data("hr_sample_mist.xlsx"))
[docs]def get_ecg_path_example() -> path_t: """Return folder path to ECG example data. Returns ------- :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str path to folder with ECG raw files """ subject_ids = ["Vp01", "Vp02"] file_path = None # ensure that folder exists and data in folder is available for subject_id in subject_ids: file_path = _get_data(f"ecg/ecg_sample_{subject_id}.bin") return file_path.parent
[docs]def get_ecg_processing_results_path_example() -> path_t: """Return folder path to ECG processing results. Returns ------- :class:`~pathlib.Path` or str path to folder with ECG processing results """ subject_ids = ["Vp01", "Vp02"] file_path = None # ensure that folder exists and data in folder is available for subject_id in subject_ids: for file_type in ["hr_result", "rpeaks_result"]: file_path = _get_data(f"ecg_processing_results/{file_type}_{subject_id}.xlsx") return file_path.parent
[docs]def get_ecg_example() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, float]: """Return raw ECG example data from one subject. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with raw ECG data sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data """ return load_dataset_nilspod(file_path=_get_data("ecg/ecg_sample_Vp01.bin"), datastreams=["ecg"])
[docs]def get_ecg_example_02() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, float]: """Return second raw ECG example data from another subject. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with raw ECG data sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data """ return load_dataset_nilspod(file_path=_get_data("ecg/ecg_sample_Vp02.bin"), datastreams=["ecg"])
[docs]def get_sleep_analyzer_raw_file_unformatted(data_source: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return *unformatted* Withings Sleep Analyzer raw data example file. Parameters ---------- data_source : str Withings Sleep Analyzer data source name. Must be one of ['heart_rate', 'respiration_rate', 'sleep_state', 'snoring']. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with unformatted example raw data """ if data_source not in WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values(): raise ValueError( "Unsupported data source {}! Must be one of {}.".format( data_source, list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values()) ) ) ds_name = list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.keys())[list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values()).index(data_source)] return pd.read_csv(_get_data(f"sleep/raw_sleep-monitor_{ds_name}.csv"))
[docs]def get_sleep_analyzer_raw_file( data_source: str, split_into_nights: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """Return Withings Sleep Analyzer raw data example file. Parameters ---------- data_source : str Withings Sleep Analyzer data source name. Must be one of ['heart_rate', 'respiration_rate', 'sleep_state', 'snoring']. split_into_nights : bool, optional whether to split the dataframe into the different recording nights (and return a dictionary of dataframes) or not. Default: ``True`` Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` or dict of such dataframe (or dict of dataframes, if ``split_into_nights`` is ``True``) with Sleep Analyzer data """ if data_source not in WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values(): raise ValueError( "Unsupported data source {}! Must be one of {}.".format( data_source, list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values()) ) ) ds_name = list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.keys())[list(WITHINGS_RAW_DATA_SOURCES.values()).index(data_source)] return load_withings_sleep_analyzer_raw_file( _get_data(f"sleep/raw_sleep-monitor_{ds_name}.csv"), data_source=data_source, split_into_nights=split_into_nights, )
[docs]def get_sleep_analyzer_raw_example( split_into_nights: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """Return Withings Sleep Analyzer example raw data. Parameters ---------- split_into_nights : bool, optional ``True`` to split data into single dataframes per recording night, and return a dict of dataframes, ``False`` to keep all data in one dataframe. Default: ``True`` Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` or dict dataframe with raw sleep analyzer data or a dict of such if ``split_into_nights`` is ``True`` """ # ensure that all files are available file_list = [ "raw_sleep-monitor_hr.csv", "raw_sleep-monitor_respiratory-rate.csv", "raw_sleep-monitor_sleep-state.csv", "raw_sleep-monitor_snoring.csv", ] file_path = None for file in file_list: file_path = _get_data(f"sleep/{file}") # get parent directory file_path = file_path.parent return load_withings_sleep_analyzer_raw_folder(file_path, split_into_nights=split_into_nights)
[docs]def get_sleep_analyzer_summary_example() -> SleepEndpointDataFrame: """Return Withings Sleep Analyzer example summary data. Returns ------- :obj:`~biopsykit.utils.datatype_helper.SleepEndpointDataFrame` dataframe with example sleep endpoints computed from Withings Sleep Analyzer Summary data """ return load_withings_sleep_analyzer_summary(_get_data("sleep/sleep.csv"))
[docs]def get_sleep_imu_example() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, float]: """Return raw IMU example data collected from a wrist-worn IMU sensor during night. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with raw IMU data sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data """ return load_dataset_nilspod(file_path=_get_data("sleep_imu/sleep_imu_sample_01.bin"))
[docs]def get_eeg_example() -> MuseDataset: """Return raw EEG example data collected from a Muse EEG headband. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with raw EEG data sampling_rate : float sampling rate of recorded data """ return MuseDataset.from_csv_file(_get_data("eeg_muse_example.csv"), tz="Europe/Berlin")
[docs]def get_time_log_example() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return time log example data. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with example time log information. The time log match the data from the two ECG data example functions :func:`~biopsykit.example_data.get_ecg_example` and :func:`~biopsykit.example_data.get_ecg_example_02` """ return load_time_log(_get_data("ecg_time_log.xlsx"))
[docs]def get_questionnaire_example_wrong_range() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return questionnaire example data with score in the wrong range. In this example the items of the "PSS" questionnaire are coded in the wrong range ([1, 5] instead of [0, 4]) originally defined in the paper. This example data is used to demonstrate BioPsyKit's feature of asserting that questionnaire score items are provided in the correct score range according to the original definition of the questionnaire. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with questionnaire example data where the items of the PSS questionnaire are coded in the wrong range """ return load_questionnaire_data(_get_data("questionnaire_sample_wrong_range.csv"))
[docs]def get_questionnaire_example() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return questionnaire example data. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with questionnaire example data """ return load_questionnaire_data(_get_data("questionnaire_sample.csv"))
[docs]def get_stats_example() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return example data for statistical analysis. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` dataframe with example data that can be used for statistical analysis """ return load_long_format_csv(_get_data("stats_sample.csv"))